Romford Hockey Club

Romford Hockey Club

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Womens 1st XI vs Chelmsford 5

06 January 2024 | Lucy Williams
Womens 1st XI vs Chelmsford 5

Romford returned after Christmas and needed to shake off all the extra turkey as Admin ash said. We went out with fire in our belly and kept possession doing the basics well. The wide mid fielder's, Frankie, Jess, and Lucy, passed the ball well around the pitch working and supporting each other helping the defence get the ball as Chelmsford had a spell of possession.

Romford quickly adapted to the need of playing to the whistle. There was good link up play with our central mid fielder's and forwards, Katie, Loz, Emma and Ellie which managed to award Romford with a short corner. It was clear to see that Wednesday practice with Lawrie had reflected into the game, involving simple and smart hockey.

Romford was fortunate to gain a run of short corners. There was a shout from the side line from our coach 'what is she doing all the way round there' four heads turned to him and said don't worry it's covered. Katie pushed the ball to Loz at the top of the D who slipped the ball to Ellie who had her shot on goal which went slightly wide, due to Wednesdays practice we counted for this and had Frankie ready to push back to the P spot. Ellie collected the ball and berried it in the bottom left. First half finished 1-0 to Romford.

Romford were capitalising on the success from the first half linking up well together. Chelmsford had a fortunate counter attack where goal keeper, Lisa had to make a diving save. Cinena managed to continue to keep the main shooting threat out the game by making her closely. Nat had a fantastic run to the attacking D dribbling up the pitch passing many Chelmsford players.

On 60th minute Emma's quick thinking taking a free kit outside the D enabled the ball to move quickly to Katie who took a shot on goal which was saved but then with a rapid reaction Katie then put the ball through the keepers legs. Ending the game 2-0 to Romford. Great game had by all.

MOM- Emma James

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