Romford Hockey Club

Romford Hockey Club

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Womens 1st XI vs Chelmsford 4

10 February 2024 | Steph Allen
Womens 1st XI vs Chelmsford 4

A Win for Lucy

Today was a memorable game for the Williams sisters, but for very different reasons. It was the last game for Lucy for a little break and Katie had a little break during the game (thanks to our passionate coach, who has apologised for his comment that saw Katie take a green card and have a little unplanned juice break on the sideline).

Romford started the game slightly on the back foot with Chelmsford being awarded a PC within 4 minutes of the start. It was clear that Chelmsford had a couple of skilful players on their forward line that defence needed to make sure they were marked, however some solid defending of the PC soon saw Romford take possession and move the ball away from the danger zone. Utilising the wings more, midfield played a series of passes that enabled the ball to be played up the lines, and with all 3 forwards in fine running spirit Romford were soon putting constant pressure on the oppo defence which, after 8 minutes, the first goal came after some persistent and determined play by Kemi which saw the keeper lobbed and the ball landing in the net. Throughout the first half there were some moments of outstanding hockey from Romford, with the ball being passed around the oppo and the forwards each putting in a great shift. There were also moments of not so great hockey with turnover to Chelmsford which allowed them to put defence under pressure (nothing we couldn’t handle though 😜). The second goal came in the 31st minute following a rare moment of Steph being out of the last third of the pitch and being awarded a free hit, which Nat took and it was picked up by Sonata, who then found Emma and Emma beat the keeper. (Assist assist for Nat) A well timed goal as it felt like we had hit a bit of a stalemate in the game despite all the of the attacking play in our favour. Half time talk was centred around concentrating on ‘loving the ball’ , passing to blue shirts and keeping the momentum going.

Chelmsford started well again in the second half and put Romford defence under more pressure with a series of PC’s being awarded in their favour. There were several direct strikes saved by Lisa and 2 saves by Steph during this half but Chelmsford weren’t able to convert before Romford scored their 3rd goal. After some solid defending and some great midfield play Cienna placed a perfect ball into the D which Emma picked up and beat the keeper for the second time at the 53rd minute.

Before the final whistle Chelmsford did get a goal back, much to the annoyance of a defence that had managed to prevent anything going in Chelmsfords favour up to that point.

Things to take away from today. Possession is key, love the ball, blue shirts only, keep the ball moving, forward line on fire 🔥, distribution from midfield was spot on, defence were solid but hate dribbly goals, coach not to offer up his spectacles , and a well earned joint MOM for Katie and Kemi.

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